The Tucker-Northlake CID continues to work with the City of Tucker and the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) through the ARC’s Community Development Assistance Program (CDAP) on a draft ordinance for public art in the alleys in Downtown Tucker. Currently public art is not permitted within the City.

The Tucker community is 130 years old, but the local government just turned six this year. With road improvements through SPLOST and other services firmly established, moving towards an ordinance to guide public art is a sign of civic maturity. However, the City is not devoid of public art. Several sculptures installed prior to the formation of the City are present in office parks in the Northlake District.

The public engagement portion of the project resulted in the production of a Downtown Tucker Coloring Book with art contributed by local artists, including students, and distributed to Downtown Tucker businesses.

Interest in public art that enhances the Downtown Tucker experience continues to grow among business owners and residents. The draft ordinance will be presented to the City Council later this year. For more information on the project visit