The Tucker-Northlake CID is working to enhance gateways into the District and this month we launched a project to develop a new design for the landscaping at the intersection of I-285 and Lawrenceville Hwy. With approximately 200,000 vehicles passing through the CID on I-285 each weekday, and tens of thousands entering and exiting at Lawrenceville Hwy, this unique high-profile intersection deserves attention.
To achieve that goal we’ve partnered with Winter Design in an effort make this one of the most attractive freeway intersections in the state. The site plan offers a visual overview of the design layout including the plants, trees, and grass that will be used when the implementation phase begins.
The arrangement of Loropetalum (Purple Diamond), Crape Myrtles, Dwarf Burning Bush, Dwarf Buford Holly, October Glory Maples, and others fall within GDOT Landscaping Requirements for appropriate plant material. Together they will provide an array of low maintenance, drought-resistant color throughout the year.
A visual focal point at the location, the high elevation starting at the northwest ramp and encompassed by the southbound loop, will offer passersby an aesthetically pleasing view along the rising hillside. On the same side of I-285, a new row of trees behind the guardrail will be a visual barrier between those on Montreal Circle and drivers exiting southbound.
This plan, including detailed construction documents, will better enable the CID to secure the funding needed to bring the full project to fruition.