Developed for the Tucker-Northlake CID by the 2020 Urban Land Institute (ULI) Atlanta Center for Leadership Mini Technical Assistance Panel, the Downtown Tucker Alley Activation study examines opportunities that can help transform long forgotten spaces into highly sought-after real estate. The ULI team presented the results of their work to members of the CID Board of Directors, staff, and City Council members via Zoom on April 28th.
The final document presents recommendations on activating the alleys to initiate a more walkable, accessible, and pedestrian-friendly city center. From green infrastructure considerations to public art and branding possibilities, the document provides a distinct platform for advice and perspectives on upcoming opportunities.
Creating effective spaces should always begin with the persona of the end user in mind. The team does this by asking the question, “who’s coming to the alleys?” From longtime locals to the after school crowd, the document presents the needs and interests of four groups in a compelling way that supports the idea of “alley life.”
The Tucker-Northlake CID maintains that adjustments to the right of way are the key to unlocking success on private property, and the work of the ULI team supports that perspective. We are thrilled with the results of the project. The full document is available by selecting this link.